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 Fairfield County Genealogy Society

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Concord Presbyterian Documents Available

Information To Be Used As A Guide In Your Research.
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A Historical Sketch of Concord Chruch by Rev. M. R. Kirkpatrick Pastor
Abstracts from History of the Presbyterian Church in SC by George Howe D.D Vol. I
Abstracts from History of the Presbyterian Church in SC by George Howe D.D Vol. II
Bicentennial Celebration Concord Presbyterian Church
Centennial of-Concord Presbyterian Church Part III Sermon by Rev. W. G. Neville
Centennial of Concord Presbyterian Church
Commeration of Isaiah Moore's Story at Concord Church
Concord Church page in Fairfield Sketch Book
Early Written Listing of Burials at Concord Presbyterian Cemetery
Historical Sketch of Concord Church by Deacon George Montgomery Sweet
IV Letters and Excuses of Pastors extract from Centennial of Concord Presbyterian Church
Major Thomas William Brice at Concord Church
Major Thomas William Brice Commemoration at Concord Church
Newspaper Article of Isaiah Moore's Story
Newspaper Article The Church That Stretched Its Fence at Concord Church