Fairfield County Genealogy Society

Members Only
Able Family Documents Available

Information To Be Used As A Guide In Your Research.
Always Verify If Verification Documents Not Provided.

Anniversary or Engagement or Wedding Announcements
Able-Dowdy Engagement 1997
Able-Dowdy Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. James Able Sr. 50th Wedding Anniversary 1997

Birth Certificates or Notices or Birthday Announcementstd>
Alexican Miashi Able Third Birthday 1997
Alexican Meishi Able Fifth Birthday 1999

Cemetery Information or Death Certificates or Notices or Obituaries
Elliott Able Find A Grave
Elliott Able Death Certificate 1948
Amanda Lee Walker Able Obituary 1996
Allen T. Able Obituary 1998

Elliott Able WWII Draft Card 1940-1947
Elliott Able Registration From

Recent Events or In the News
4 Able News Articles 1996-1998