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 Fairfield County Genealogy Society

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Beaty Family Documents Available

Information To Be Used As A Guide In Your Research.
Always Verify If Verification Documents Not Provided.

Family Information
James M. Beaty 1823
Thomas A. Beaty 1856

Family Decendancy Charts
Beaty Descendants
James Beaty Descendants

Family Group Sheets
Archibald Beaty 1789-1865
James and Peggy Beaty

Military or War
A. Beaty 1865 CSA Stock Certificate
Elizabeth S. Beaty Applicztion for William C. Beaty CSA Pension

Misc. or in the News
J. D. Beaty Book Cover
W. C. Beaty Company

Obituaries (see Pictures also)
William Alexander Beaty 1931 Obituary