Fairfield County Genealogy Society

Members Only
Blake Family Documents Available

Information To Be Used As A Guide In Your Research.
Always Verify If Verification Documents Not Provided.

Adam Blake Information
Adam Blake Breathed His Last - Moved Town Clock to Winnsboro
Adam Blake 1813 Obituary
Adam Blake's Journey by Rosa Williams

Cemetery or Church Information
Sandy Level Baptist Church

Census Information
Blake-Wood 1850 Census

Deed or Land Record or Map Information
Property Map

Family Information
Brian Blake 1996 Family History Correspondent Addresses
Henson, Frances and Elizabeth Blake
John Blake 1787
John Blake's Family Listing
John Blake 1761 Family Group Sheet
Willoughby Blake
Blake-Osborn Family Listing

Military Information
Jefferson Barracks National Cemetary
New Guinea
The Advance on Manila
John Blake's Battles in Which He Participated
John Blake's Battles, Actions
John Blake's Application of Pension
John Blake's 1986 Letter Written by Ralph Eaton
John Blake's Pension Information
John Blake's War Information

Research Information
Blake Family Research
William Blake Research by Ruth Stevenson