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 Fairfield County Genealogy Society

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Campbell Family Documents Available

Information To Be Used As A Guide In Your Research.
Always Verify If Verification Documents Not Provided.

Family Information
Early Mathis-Mathews Lineage
Chelsey Matthews Family
Chelsey Matthews Descendants
Chesley Matthews Family Group Sheet
John Matthews Family
Phillip Mathews Sr. Family Group Sheet
Sallie Matthews, 1938 WPA Life Histories Collection
Thomas Mathis Matthews Sr. Descendants

In the News
Angela Matthews Valentines Picture, 13 February 1997

Peter Matthews American Revolution, 1930 NGSC Quarterly
Jonathan D. Matthews CSA, Carrie Matthews Pension Request

Mary Matthews Obituary, 4 September 2003
Floyd Thomas Matthews Life Legacy, 21 December 2014

Research Request
2013 Chuck Harrod, Matthews
2017 James W Green III, Mathis