Fairfield County Genealogy Society

Members Only
Family Documents Available

Information To Be Used As A Guide In Your Research.
Always Verify If Verification Documents Not Provided.

Birth Certificates or Notices or Birthdays
Ford, Machalia Denise - 2nd birthday 1999
Ford, Michalia Denise - 1st birthday 1998

Cemetery Information
FORD Cemetery Locations

Death Certificates or Notices or Obituaries
Carlous Ford Burrell 1912-2004
Ford, Clifford - Obituary 1999
Ford, Lucy A. - Obituary 2000

Deeds or Land Records
Ford - Deed Book MM - Page 484
Ford - Deed Book U - Page 176
Ford - KK - 302
Ford - KK - 357
Ford, Gardner - his land
Ford-Lyles - places in Fairfield County

Engagements, Marrage Certificates, License or Notices
Ford, Dorrel and Malinda - married 1887
Ford, Gardner married Magdelen Love

Family Ancestrial Charts or Trees
Ford - Ancestry.com
Ford, Jewell Sidney - Ancestry Chart
Ford, Nathaniel Sr. - Genealogy Records
Ford, Sarah Hightower - Ancestor Chart

Family Decendancy Listings or Pedigrees
Descendants of Blanche Ford
Ford - Jewell Sidney Ford Tatum Lineage Chart
Ford Descendancy Chart 1991
Ford Genealogy

Family Group Sheets
Ford, Alice - Mother of Mary J. Hollis
Col. Austin Ford Peay 1777-1841 Family Group Sheet
Ford - Hugh Y. Rosborough - Family Group Sheet
Ford - Sarah (Sallie) Hightower Ford 1805-1891 Family Group Sheet
Ford, Alice - Family Group Sheet
Ford, Alice E. 1853-1910 Family Group Sheet
Ford, Elsie (Elsey) - 1793-1866 Family Group Sheet
Ford, Gardner - Father was Nathaniel Ford, Sr. - Family Group Sheet
Ford, Hezekiah - Father Nathaniel Ford, St. Family Group Sheet
Ford, James - died in 1830 - Father Nathaniel Ford, Sr. - Family Group Sheet
Ford, John Long - Family Group Sheet
Ford, John Long - Father Nathaniel Ford, Jr. - Family Group Sheet
Ford, Gardner L. - Father Gardner Ford, Sr. - Family Group Sheet
Ford, John - Father was Nathaniel Ford, Sr. - Family Group Sheet
Ford, Leeman Gardner - Family Group Record
Ford, Lucretia Durham - Father John Ford - Family Group Sheet
Ford, Martha - Father Nathaniel Ford, Sr. Family Group Sheet
Ford, Mary - Father Nathaniel Ford, Sr. - Family Group Sheet
Ford, Mary Magdalen Gardner - Family Group Record
Ford, Nathaniel Jr. 1794-1865 Family Group Sheet
Ford, Nathaniel Sr. 1747-1843 Family Group Sheet
Ford, Riley McMaster - Family Group Sheet
Ford, Sarah - Father Nathaniel Ford, Sr. - Family Group Sheet

Family History
Ms. Sidney Ford Tatom - Author of The Fords of Fairfield County, SC - A Documentary History
Ford - pages 463-464
Ford - The American Slave Autobiography
Ford - The Fords Of Fairfield County, South Carolina
Ford History Written By L. M. Ford in 1904
Ford history written in 1904 by L. M. Ford
Ford, L. M. - History written by him
Ford, L. M. - Memoirs Traditions and History of Rocky Mount and Vicinity

Family Information
Frederick Wallace Ford
Fords and Griffins connection
Professor Nick Aaron Ford

Ford, Nathaniel Sr. - Revolutionary Soldiers and Patriots

Ford - Plat Book E - Page 208
Ford - Plat Book E - Page 220
Ford - Plat Book E - Page 221
Frederick Wallace Ford 1926-2005

Recent Times or In The News
African Americans and the Palmetto State
Carlous Ford Burrell 1995
Ford - Columbus Day
Ford, Elizabeth Griffin - letter from Sidney Tatom
Ford, Fannie - Appreciation Day
Ford, Paul James Sr. - National Hall of Fame
Ford, Philbert Johanns - Doctorate of Medicine

Research Request
Ford Research Request Susanna Faust Ford