Fairfield County Genealogy Society

Members Only
Hall Family Documents Available

Information To Be Used As A Guide In Your Research.
Always Verify If Verification Documents Not Provided.

Bible Records

  Daniel Hall From His Bible
  Written Notes From Daniel Hall Bible
  From Daniel Hall's Bible, Births, Deaths
  Hall Family From Hicklin Family Bible
  John Hall Family Bible

Birth Certificates or Notices or Birthdays

  General T. K. Hall Celebrate Eighty-sixth Birthday
  General T. K. Hall Celebrates Eighty-sixth Birthday
  Mrs. T. K. Hall, Celebrating 86th Birthday, 1932
  Ariel Jaliza Hall, 3rd Birthday, 1997
  Brittney and Briana Hall, 1st Birthday, 1998
  Kwajely Te'Arja Hall 8th Birthday, 1998


  Hulon P. Hall Buried at Ephesus
  Laban and Reuben Hall Tombstones
  Taylor Walker Hall 1819-1892, Concord Fellowship, C. C. Hall Collection


  1790 Hollis in Fairfield County Census, Cleo Clowney Hall Collection
  1860 Slave Census Schedule for Nathaniel Barber Hall
  Nathaniel Barber Hall, 1860 List of Slaves

Death Certificates or Notices or Obituaries

  Mansel Hall, 15 Jul 1785
  Mansel Hall, Death Notice Fairfield Herald, 8 March 1876, C. C. Hall Collection
  Capt. John M. Hall Death Notice, 1902
  Capt. John Hall Obituary, 1902
  W. H. "Hamp" Hall Obituary
  William S. Hall Memorial, 1912
  Daniel Hall Dies at Home, 1936
  Daniel Hall Sr. 1936 Obituary, Cleo Clowney Hall Collection
  Verba Hall Coates, Dies at 97
  Hulon P. Hall Obituary, 1954
  Bert Hall Obituary, 1997
  Charlie Lee Hall, 1997 and Charlie Hall, 2001 Obituaries
  Beulah Hall Obituary, 2000
  John L. Hall Sr. Obituary, 2001

Deeds or Land Sales or Plats

  Hall Land Information
  Daniel and Sarah Hall Land Sale
  Daniel and Sarah Hall Land Sales
  Hall, Fairfield County, Deed Book A, Pages 370-373, C. C. Hall Collection
  Hall Grantor Grantee Index
  Hall Grantor Grantee Index 2
  Hall Grantor Grantee Index 3
  Hall Grantor Grantee Index 4
  Hall Grantor Grantee Index 5
  Hall Grantor Grantee Index 6
  Hall Grantor Grantee Index 7
  Hall Grantor Grantee Index 8
  Hall Grantor Grantee Index 9
  Hall Grantor Grantee Index 10
  Hall Grantor Grantee Index 11
  Hall Grantor Grantee Index 12

Engagements or Marriage Certificates or Notices or Licenses

  Hall Family Home and Wedding Celebration, 1858
  John Young and Oliya R. Hall, 1861
  John Young and Oliya R. Hall, GA Marriage License, 1861
  Gleda Hall Engagement
  Hall Family, Dixon-Brown Engagement, 2000
  Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Hall, Daugther Lindsay Nicole Dixon Engagement, 2000

Estate or Probate Records or Guardianships or Wills

  Daniel Hall Sr., Fairfield County, 1880 Will, Cleo C. Hall Collection
  David Hall Last Will and Testament
  Guardianship of Jerry Hall
  Estate Papers of Reuben Hall
  Hall Probate Court
  John G. Hall, Son of Reuben Hall, Probate Guardianship
  Reuben Hall Estate Papers
  William E. Hall Family and Estate Information

Family Charts or Group Sheets or Lists or Pedigrees

  Alexander McDowell and Dorcas Gladden Hall, Family Group Sheet
  Daniel Hall Sr., Family Group Sheet
  Descendants of Elsie Louella Cavett Hall
  Descendants of Elsie Louella Cavett and William Hall McClenaghan
  Hall and Boulware Ancestors
  Hall-Bratton Family Tree
  Hall Family Tree
  John Hall Jr. Family Group Sheet
  Mansel Hall Family Group Sheet
  Martha Patsy Hall Family Group Sheet

Family Information

  Hall, The American Slave
  Adeline Johnson Hall an American Slave
  Alexander McDowell Hall
  Autobiography of Manuel P. Hall, Former Slave, Cleo C. Hall Collection
  Ben M. Hall
  Ben M. Hall, son of Dr. N. B. Hall
  Benjamin Mortimer Hall
  Benjamin Mortimer Hall Family Information
  Benjamin Mortimer Hall, 1853 Story, Cleo Clowney Hall Collection
  Capt. John Hall Letter to Mrs. Stevenson From Pat Rose
  Charley Watson Hall, Ex-slave
  Charley Watson, Ex-slave of Daniel Hall
  Clee Hall
  Cleo Clowney Hall Workbook, in Her Collection
  Cleo Clowney Hall Family, Cleo Clowney Hall Collection
  Daniel Jr. and Elizabeth Mobley Hall
  Daniel and Elizabeth Mobley Hall Jr.
  Daniel Hall Sr. 1803-1887 and Elizabeth Mobley Hall, Daniel Jr.'s Wife
  Daniel Hall Sr. 1803-1887 and Elizabeth Mobley Hall, Daniel Jr.'s Wife
  Dr. Elisha J. Hall
  Dr. Hall, Elisha J.
  Dr. Elisha J. Hall 1834-1904 Story, Cleo Clowney Hall Collection
  James F. Hall 1832-1887
  Rev. James F. Hall 1832-1887
  James Richmond Hall
  James Richmond Hall 1821-1882 Story, Cleo Clowney Hall Collection
  Jason Hicklin Hall Papers
  John Hall 1765-1834 Family Information
  John Hall, Abt 1831 Fairfield District, Cleo Clowney Hall Collection
  John Hall History 1
  John Hall History 2
  John Hall History 3
  John Hall History 4
  John Hall, Info on the Hall Family
  Joseph H. Hall, Family Information
  Dr. Hall of Fairfield
  Dr. Laban Hall 1856-1935
  Laban and Reuben Hall
  Laben Hall, Desoto County, Mississippi Paperwork
  Lillie Mae Hall 1869-1968
  Lillie Mae Hall 1869-1968 Family Information
  Lucius H Hall
  Lucius Hunter Hall
  Mansel Hall Family Information
  Mansel Hall History
  Mansel Hall House, The King House
  Mansel Hall in Early Life of Mississippi Settlers
  Mansel Hall Information
  Mansel Hall Letter Details Early Life of Mississippi Settlers
  Mansel Hall Life in Mississippi
  Mansel Hall
  Mansel Whitson Hall Jr.
  Mansel Whitson Hall Petition, Tuscaloosa County, AL
  Mansel Whitson Hall Sr., Mississippi Information
  Martha Hall About 1842, Fairfield District, Cleo Clowney Hall Collection
  Nathaniel Barber Hall Letters, 1902
  Reuben Hall
  Sallie Ellison Hall
  The Hall Family Information
  William E. Hall II
  William Fletcher Hall 1835-1905
  Short History of Hall Family by N. B. Hall
  Robert Hayword and Sarah Gertrude Hall Jones Family
  Dr. William E. Hall
  Dr. William E. Hall History
  Children of Dr. William E. and Dorcas Hall
  Dr. William E. Hall Home
  Dr. William Hall, Life Histories Collection, 10 October 1940
  Hall Family History
  Hall Family Home
  Hall Family Information
  Hall Family Information (2)
  Hall Family Information, From VA to SC and Onward
  Hall Family Letters
  Hall History From Max Hall Jr.
  Hall House, The King House
  Hall Life Histories Collection, 10 October 1940
  Hall, Mississippi Paperwork
  Hall Photo
  Hall, The Life and Legacy of Joyce Brice
  Letter from Russ Hall, John Hall Family History

In The News

  Hall, Norman Rockwell
  Hall Official Inspection, 1947
  Hall Letter From Grace, 1969
  Hall Research Letter From Grace, 1969
  Ellen Hall, Letter to Chester Downtown Development Association
  Ellen Hall, Pathways Letter
  Ellen Hall, Senior Companion Advisory Council
  Ellen Hall, Sweet Taste of Success
  Ellen Hall, Sweet Taste of Success (2)
  Ellen Hall, Legacy Historical Research Project
  Legacy Historical Research Project by Ellen Hall
  Ellen Hall, Palmetto Pathways, Honored
  Hall, Palmetto Pathways, Honored
  Russ Hall Article, Contributed by Russ
  From Russ Hall, General A. H. Gladden Biography
  General A. H. Gladden Biography, 1989
  Lois Hall, Catawba Area Pathways
  Minnie Lee Montgomery's Cookbook
  Jamieca Marquisa Hall, 1998
  Akeia Hall, 2000
  Mi'Lexeyia Daequana Hall, 2000
  Bydester Hall Library Bookmobile, 2001


  Sherman Route by Hall Place, Cleo Clowney Hall Collection
  Hall Residences Burnt by Sherman Troops
  Norman Rockwell Hall in Uniform