Fairfield County Genealogy Society

Members Only
Jones Family Documents Available

Information To Be Used As A Guide In Your Research.
Always Verify If Verification Documents Not Provided.

Cemetery Information
Jones Graveyard
Alford-Boyer-Jones Family Graves
Jones-Turkett Families
Death Certificates or Notices or Obituaries
Betty Jean Gibbs Jones Obituary, 1998
Charlie Jones, Sr. Obituary, 1997
Charlotte Jackson Jones Celebration Of Life, 2000
Henry D. Jones Obituary, 1991
Rutherford Jones Obituary, 1997
Rosa Jones 1910-1940, SC Death Certificate
Virginia Hudson Jones 1926-2013, Obituary
Steve Jones Biography, 2012
Sarah Elizabeth Jones, 1930 Obituary

Court Records or Petitions
Daniel Jones Journal of the House
Daniel Jones 1810 Petition, Before the House
Daniel Jones 1810 Petition, To the House

Estate Records or Wills
Sarah Elizabeth Meredith Jones, Daughter of Thomas Meredith (1808 Will)

Family Group Sheets or Pedigrees or Tree Charts
Ralph Jones II 1802-1864, Family Group Sheet

Family Information
Captain Daniel Jones Family by Ricky Smith
Jones Archives
Jones Plantation, Eastern Half of Fairfield County Map
Fairfield Hills Poem, Mentions Jones
The County's Name Article, Mentions Jones
William and Ralph Jones, Stage Coach House, by Pelham Lyles
Jones and Burwell Ancestors, by Ricky Smith
Jones Family History, by Jim P. Jones, III
Jones Family Home, by Pelham Lyles (Art Class)
Clara, Walker, Joseph, & Mary Jones Information Card
Darling Jones 1759-1858 Information Card
Jones Families, From Fairfield County Histories
Poems and Writings, by Mrs. C. Ladd (Teacher), of Emma Canty, Sarah & Mary Jones
Ralph Jones, Unique History Traced
Original barn at Jones Bend Farm
Marriage Certificates or Licenses or Notices
Harriett Elaine Jones Marriage Certificate, 1986

Military or Civic Officer
Daniel Jones, Lt. Seth Ward Jordan Oath
Daniel Jones, Valley Forge Muster Roll
Jones, Sherman's Army In Fairfield
John B. Jones, Leader Of Texas Rangers
John B. Jones, Texas Ranger Hall Of Fame

Recent or In The News
Chanti Kerin Jones 1st Birthday, 1997
DeAundrica Jones, 1997
Tiana Sha Keya Jones, Born 11 September 1997
Tiana Sha'Keya Jones, 1998

Research Request
Jones Genealogy Research
Darling Jones Geneology Research, 2014
Jones Genealogy Research, 2015