Fairfield County Genealogy Society

Members Only
Ligon Family Documents Available

Information To Be Used As A Guide In Your Research.
Always Verify If Verification Documents Not Provided.

Cemeterey, Death Certificates or Notices or Obituaries
John S. Ligon' Infant Dies from Diptheria 1873
Ligon Family Widows
Alice Ligon Crowder Beckham Obituary 2011

Ligon's in 1850 Census

Family Charts or Group Sheets or Pedigrees
Ligon Lineage Chart
Brice-Kennedy Families

Family Information
Family Member Information
Six Sisters, Teachers in Fairfield County
Ligon Homes

Marriage Certificates or Notices
Mr. Kirkpatrick Married Wm. Ligon's Daugther, History of the Presbyterian Church
J. N Ligon Married Amanda M. Curlee, Migrations from VA to SC
John Temple Ligon and Mary Lavinia Brice Marriage, 8 June 1904

Military Service
DAR Patriot Index
LTC Carroll Ligon
LTC Carroll Ligon

Recently or In the News
Act of a Grand Old Man, Blackstock, 1 June 1918