Fairfield County Genealogy Society

Members Only
Family Documents Available

Information To Be Used As A Guide In Your Research.
Always Verify If Verification Documents Not Provided.

Memoir Major Henry Moore
Dr. Maurice Moore Reminiscences of York

Burial Grounds or Cemetery Documentation
Isaiah Moore's Tombstone
Moore Cemetery
Moores Cemetery

Death Certificates, Death Notices, Funeral Services, Marriage Notices, or Obituaries
Georgeanna G. Moore, 2010 Obituary
Georgeanna Loise Graves Moore 1912-2009, Obituary
Samuel Moore, 2011 Obituary
Allison M. Moore & John M. Coleman Jr. Marriage, The State, 23 June 1996

Family Information
Albert Alfred Phillip Moore 1828-1913
Alfred Phillip Moore Information Found Doing Google Search
Alfred Phillip Moore by Sanita Holmes Frazier Cousar
Albert Philip Moore Legislator During Reconstruction Era in SC
Dr. Thomas Wade Moore Photo
James Moore, Impunctual Juror