South Carolina
Cemeteries or Death Certificates or Notices or Obituaries
Longtown Baptist Cemetery |
Melrose Place, Austin Peay Will, and Obit |
Peay Census Records |
Family Charts or Group Sheets or Pedigrees
Descendants of George S. and Dorcus Rochelle Peay |
Descendants of William Jenkins |
Descendents of Nicholas and Martha Keziah Ford Peay |
Desecendants of Dr. Austin J. and Mary W. Westbrook Peay |
Early George Peay Family |
James Calhoun Peay 1850-1906, Oconee County, SC |
John Austin Peay Info |
John E Peay Draper Papers |
Peay Extracts from Draper MSS 1 |
Peay Extracts from Draper MSS 2 |
Peay Extracts from Draper MSS 3 |
Peay Genealogy |
Peay Family Bible Records |
Peay Name |
Peay References |
Julia Celeste Peay Family Tree from Nicholas and Martha Ford Peay |
Deeds or Land Records or Places or Plats
Austin F Peay Deed Book AA Page 470 |
Peay Flint Hill Place Deed Book AH Page 92.pdf |
Peay Land 1 |
Peay Land 2 |
Peay Land 3 |
Peay Land 4 |
Goza Hunter and Melrose Places |
Melrose Place and Builder |
Peay Plantations 1950 UDC Magazine |
Melrose Place, Article in Charlotte Observer, 28 Aug 1927 |
Melrose Place, Article in Charlotte Observer, 28 Aug 1927, 2 |
Slaves from the Peay Plantation |
Estate Papers, Obits and Wills
George Peay 1757-BEF 1792 |
Col. A. F. Peay Estate List 1841 |
Mrs. Martha L. Peay Obit |
Will of Austin F Peay |
Miscellaneous Information
A Thoroughly Southern Piano |
Austin Peay of Austin Peay College was Named |
Peays Ferry, Sherman Remembered, The State, 22 Jun 1916 |
Reginalds Story, 25 Aug 2004, by Rebecca Starr |
Salem Eliza Peay Research |
Decendancy and Family Charts
George C. and Mahala Hicks Peay Family |
George Peay Family to Mississippi |
Unknown Peay Family, in Mississippi |
Unknown Peay Family, in Mississippi |