Fairfield County Genealogy Society

Members Only
Family Documents Available

Information To Be Used As A Guide In Your Research.
Always Verify If Verification Documents Not Provided.

Cemetery Records
Weir Rawls Cemetery Info
Weir Rawls Family Graveyard

Deeds or Land Records or Plats
Weir Fairfield Plats, from Ken A. Shelton

Estate Rocords or Probate Records or Wills
David Weir Sr. Will Page 1 (top half)
David Weir Sr. Will Page 1 (bottom half)
David Weir Sr. Will Page 2

Family Information
Rabb Family Research, Mrs. John R. Rabb, Peveley, MO, Weir McClurkin Families Connections From Ancestry
David and Jane Weir

Immigration Records
Scotch-Irish Migration To South Carolina, 1772 by Jean Stephenson, Page 35
Scotch-Irish Migration To South Carolina, 1772 by Jean Stephenson, Page 48
Scotch-Irish Migration To South Carolina, 1772 by Jean Stephenson, Page 59
Scotch-Irish Migration To South Carolina, 1772 by Jean Stephenson, Page 60
Scotch-Irish Migration To South Carolina, 1772 by Jean Stephenson, Page 85

Marriage Certificates or Notices or From Probate Records
Implied Marriages From Probate Records
Implied Marriages From Probate Records
Implied Marriages From Probate Records

Military Records
David Weir Order for Copy of Veteran Record
Weir's in the American Revolution