Fairfield County Genealogy Society

Members Only
Woodard-Woodward Family Documents Available

Information To Be Used As A Guide In Your Research.
Always Verify If Verification Documents Not Provided.

Cemeteries or Death Notices or Certificates or Obituaries
Woodward Family Graves
Thomas Woodward Family Cemetery
Thomas Woodward Family Cemetery
Mrs. Martha Ann Williamson Woodward Obituary 1880

Deeds or Land Records or Plats
Woodward in Conveyee Conveyer Index
James Scott VA Land Lease Thomas Woodward by Robert Hill
Woodward Deed Research by Robert Hill

Equity Estate or Estate or Probates Records or Wills
Pages: 25 32 33 184 219 261
John Woodward Will
Thomas Simson VA Will Listing Thomas by Robert Hill

Family Charts or Descendancy List or Trees or Pedigrees
Brief Outline of the Woodward Family
Descendants of Christopher Woodward (1594-1650)
Descendants of Thomas Woodward (1729-1779)
Family of John and Esther Woodward
Nelson - Woodward - The Regulator
Nelson - Woodward

Family Group Sheets
Nelson - Woodward - Family 1993
Nelson - Woodward - Simpson 1993

Family Information
Article on Wadard
Kadena Robinson Woodard
Annapolis Maryland Families by Robert Harry McIntire Abraham & Thomas Woodward
Charlotte W. Turner Vann Information
Dr. Henry Woodward
John and Esther Woodward Family
Nicholson - Woodward Pedigree Charts
Online Woodward Archives URL
Reminiscences Thomas S. Woodward
Richard Woodward Levicy, etc.
Descendants of Christopher Woodward (1594-1650)
Woodwards in Maryland
Thomas Simpson Woodward Information by Robert Hill
Thomas Woodward in Virginia
Thomas Woodward 1729 Reminiscences
Thomas Woodward Bible Pages
Woodward & Nelson Information by Jodi Killeen
Woodward - from Family Bible of John Woodward 1791
Woodward Genealogy by Robert R. Hill
Woodward Genealogy Corrected Error by Robert R. Hill
Woodward, The Regulator 2005

Family Information - Captain Thomas Woodward
Captain Thomas Woodward (the Regulator) 28 Jan 2004
Captain Thomas Woodward
Captain Thomas Woodward by Jo Ann Cooper Killeen
Captain Thomas Woodward by Jodi Killeen

Family Information - Fairfield Families (red book) Woodward Family
Pages: 117 118 119

Family Information - North of the Broad (book)
Pages: 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237

DAR Application William Woodward A130071 M48910 082606
Rosters of South Carolina Patriots Woodward Soldiers
Thomas Woodward Revolutionary Soldier Grave Record

Recent or In the News
Isaac Woodward Story
Isaac Woodard Story to Air on PBS
Isaac Woodard Story in the Voice Newspaper, 6 February 2020
Kadena Robinson Woodard Project

Research Queries
Correspondence With Bob Uzzel
Woodward Emails