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FCGS (Fairfield County Genealogy Society)

We appreciate any contributions of material suitable for our newsletter, this can be anything that you may have found that you think may be useful to someone else or interesting in general.

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  Gravesite of Revolutionary Soldier in Local Church Cemetery
  2024 Executive Board of Directors & Ex-Officio Board of Directors
  Websites of Interests Relating to American Revolution
  Contact Information
  Message from the President
  Mission Statement
  List of American Revolutionary War Books in the Fairfield County Genealogy Library
  Upcoming Calendar of Events (Check the Announcement Page on the FCGS website)
  To Celebrate 250 Years Since American Revolution: Some American Revolution Items
    American Revolution Battle Fields of South Carolina
    African-American History Month Article: 10 Facts: Black Patriots in the American Revolution
    Catawba Indians in the Revolutionary War
    Woman of the Revolution War
    State Pensions to Revolutionary Survivors
  Pedigree Chart for FCGS Member Otis Allen Jeffcoat, III
  Fairfield County Genealogy Society (2024 Members)
  Membership or Membership Renewal Information
  Membership Application

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