Fairfield County Genealogy Society

Members Only
Plat Information Post 1845 Index

Select Desired Business or Surname Beginning With "S"
S Index-1 S Index-2 S Index-3 S Index-4
S Index-5 SC Continental Telephone SC Dept. Parks, Rec. & Tourism SC E & G Co.-1
SC E & G Co.-2 SC E & G Co.-3 SC E & G Co.-4 SC E & G Co.-5
SC E & G Co.-6 SC E & G Co.-7 SC E & G -8 SC National Guard
SC Pub. Serv. Auth. SC St. Comm. Forestry SC St. Hwy. Comm. Sabbaghs
Sales Salley Sam-Sams Sampson
Samuels Sanders Sandifer Sargent
Savage Products Sawneys Cr Farms Subdiv. Sawyer Sayer
School Districts-1 School Districts-2 School Districts-3 Schorr
Scott Scruggs Scyphers Searson
Seastrunk Seay Seibles Shannon
Shaw Shedd Sheely Shell
Shelley Shelton Sheppard Shirley
Shivar Springs Shivar Short Shrader
Shugart Shull Sibley Silvia
Simons-Simmons Simonton Simpson Sims-Simms
Singleton Skelton Sloan Small-1
Small-2 Smallwood Estates Smarr Smart
Smith-1 Smith-2 Smith-3 Smith-4
Snowden Society, Mt. Sion Sorrensen SC Granite Co.
Southern Bell Southern Builders Southern Kraft Timberland Southern Railway
Spears Spence Spencer Spigner-1
Spigner-2 Spires Spratlin Spurrier
Squirewell Srokes Standard Oil of NJ Stark-Starks
Starnell St. Comm. of Forestry State of SC St. Rural Elec. Auth.
Steadman Steele Stenstream Sterling Estate
Stevens Stevenson-Frazier Stevenson-Stephenson-1 Stevenson-Stephenson-2
Stevenson-Stephenson-3 Stevenson-Stephenson-4 Stevenson-Stephenson-5 Stewart, John C., & Co.
Stewart-1 Stewart-2 Stewart-3 Stewart-McMeekin Co.
Still Stitt Stone Stover
Strange Strickland Strother Stroud
Stuckey Lumber Co. Stylemart Homes Suber Sullivan
Summer Surety Life Insurance Surratt Suydam
Swanson Swearingen Sweatt Sykes