Fairfield County Genealogy Society

Members Only
Crooked Run Baptist Documents Available

Information To Be Used As A Guide In Your Research.
Always Verify If Verification Documents Not Provided.
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Deeds or Land Records or Plats
Deed and Plat Information, 2003

Early Information
North Of The Broad River, The Land and the People
Change of German Church to Baptist
Church Covenant
Church Letters to the Associations
Trying to Save the Church (Includes Early Church History & Records)

Early Church Rolls, Minutes and Treasurer's Reports
1830's Church Rolls, Minutes, Treasurer's Reports
1840's Church Rolls, Minutes, Treasurer's Reports
1850's Church Rolls, Minutes, Treasurer's Reports
1850's Church Rolls, Minutes, Treasurer's Reports (missed)
1860's Church Rolls, Minutes, Treasurer's Reports
1870's Church Rolls, Minutes, Treasurer's Reports

Pictures (1976)
Left Side View of Church
Right Side View of Church & Areial Vieew
Front View of Church
Inside View of Church & Areial View
View of Early Foundation of Church
View of Church & Newer Section

Recent Events or In the News
John Nicholas Martin Bethesda Auf den Morven, 1970 News Article
Newspaper Article, 2013 Herald Independent
Crooked Run Graphics
Crooked Run Project
Appeal to Crooked Run
Resources for Crooked Run Articles
Historic Church Saved